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Brewer's Blog 12: The Hatrick

“So you wait for ages and then three come along at once.” So opined the late great folk singer extraordinaire Fred Wedlock in his pre-amble before singing his song ‘Bristol Buses’.

Anyway, I told you that to tell you this. We don’t do many specials here and for good reason. Our standard five beer year-round portfolio touches most bases that we think works for an English brewer. Yes, there are other beer styles but in this old grade 2 listed building we have limited space and have to use it wisely. Especially on the run in to Christmas.

However this Fall we have three specials and for an unprecedented brief few days they will all be available at one time. So, we have the Uley Bitter Harvest Special made this year with fresh green Godiva hops. Folk have loved this particular brew and the positive feedback we’ve had is so rewarding for the brewing team. Currently at its flavour zenith as I write this there’s still a little left, but not much.

Just comimg on line is ‘Glorious Glosters Ale’ abv 4.5% a reprise of a brew we made 10 years ago to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Imjin River where the redoubtable Gloucestershire Regiment acquitted themselves with such valour and earned a special place in military history.

This year is the 70th anniversary and whilst the battle was actually in April we were asked this time to coincide its release with Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday. We are very proud of this recipe here. The aroma hop is Bramling Cross, the first and still my favourite English ‘exotic’. Descriptions of Bramling Cross always mentioned a taste of blackberries and I reckon that put a lot of brewers off using it at the time. I don’t get blackberries at all. What I do get is a beautiful rounded fruity richness on the finish so it’s time to raise a glass for the Glorious Glosters.

And so to number three: by popular demand the return of Pigormortis. Last year we managed to sell out of this little gem of a winter warmer, which at 6% abv is designed for those folk who just want to forget about Christmas altogether, er…before Christmas. This was an unprecedented moment in the annals of Uley Brewery. But brewing is like an ever opening flower of knowledge and we’ve learnt so this year we’re brewing it twice so there should be enough to go around…and it will be at the Tewkesbury Winter Beer Festival next February!


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